About Me

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Bill Laws is the author of sixteen books, including Fifty Railways that Changed the Course of History and Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History. He has been busking for a couple of years. www.billlaws.com

Saturday, 28 April 2012

Here we go...

Taking a break from the Book In Progress to go busking in Monmouth.
So much to remember: Roland amp, lead, reed, and sax, to name the bare essentials.
I forgot the neck strap one time, and boldly played on - it's only a light weight soprano sax. My shoulder pained me for the next six months.
The twenty-five or so songs are lodged somewhere in the back of my brain. They usually spring to mind the moment the back track begins.
On the rare occasion when my musical memory deserts me, I'm glad the street audience hears only some thirty seconds of chaos.
Nervous? Always. Here we go...

1 comment:

  1. Good to see you on Saturday Bill. Kind of you to remember I once had something published in the Independent. One day I will find the energy and enthusiasm to get writing again.
    Best Wishes
    Huw Williams
