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Bill Laws is the author of sixteen books, including Fifty Railways that Changed the Course of History and Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History. He has been busking for a couple of years. www.billlaws.com

Saturday, 23 July 2011

Struggling with camellias

In an effort to refresh myself (I'm struggling with the history of that nineteenth-century romantic, the camellia, inspiration for Alexander Dumas - La dame aux camelias - and Giuseppe Veridi's La Traviata) drive to Monmouth for a busk.
Discover I've left my backing track behind and, after ten minutes unplugged (how can anyone sustain solo sax without a backing?) give up.
Collect backing and try Leominster instead. Generous Marcus (above) passes me his spot. Marcus - he's cool.

'Roma guy tries out Marcus' fiddle

I'm playing Manchester City FC's anthem Blue Moon (Rodgers and Hart, 1934) when a couple of Roma guys stop to chat: 'Votre music, Roumanie, nest'ce pas?'
One lady tells me: 'You're very brave.' (Did she mean 'to stand here and play so badly?')
Another declares: 'Lovely,' as she drops a coin in the pot. 'That's cheered us all up.' Bless.

Nothing from dapper local MP, Bill Wiggins who slips by. I think there was a bit of an expenses issue recently: maybe he has to watch his acounts more carefully these days.

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