About Me

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Bill Laws is the author of sixteen books, including Fifty Railways that Changed the Course of History and Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History. He has been busking for a couple of years. www.billlaws.com

Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Bath Buskers Ban threat

Buskers near the cathedral close in Hereford.
"Bath buskers face amplification ban", reports the WDP (http://www.westerndailypress.co.uk/)
after the abbey rector, Rev. Edward Mason, abandoned choral evensong recently, allegedly because of the raucous playing outside. 
The Council is promising a crack down, the former director of music Rev. Mason says he is "weeping for a city ruined by the clamour of music" and buskers are becoming bitter.
Nothing new there. . . except the threatened implementation of new anti-social behaviour legislation.
It could be turning nasty.

Sunday, 21 September 2014

Abergavenny Food Fest

Busy streets and a great audience for a busk on Saturday afternoon. Having played here alone on a quiet Market Day in the past, Saturday was bangin'.
As the afternoon wore on there was a marked preference for R&B. we worried about the lady in the charity shop next door, but she was happy enough: seems to be bringing in the customers," she said. 
 Yesterday was also an opportunity to launch our new name - Saxophony.

Friday, 5 September 2014

Birmingham buskers

Buskers were few, far between and of dubious quality when we were in town this week. Mostly lone trumpeters, deprived of a backing track by the City authorities attitude towards amps. The guys scuttled through their scales, tunelessly.
The City offers restrictive licences to buskers, insists on limiting playing to a few locations, but seemed happy enough for the delightful Passenger to play in his roped-off little area last May.