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Bill Laws is the author of sixteen books, including Fifty Railways that Changed the Course of History and Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History. He has been busking for a couple of years. www.billlaws.com

Monday, 28 February 2011

Over the Rainbow

Dinamic - storming, Roma buskers
I talk to Dinamic, a flexible line up of Roma musicians who tour the West Midlands. Today they’re in my home town, Hereford.
“We are all trained musicians, trained in conservatoire. We stay near Birmingham, and visit each town.”
They’re good and tight: guitar, sax, violin, accordian and they launch into a Roma version of Somewhere over the Rainbow.
(Couple of weeks later I’m handing out leaflets in the square where they’re playing Somewhere Over the Rainbow and they sound as repetitive as a phone tone. They need to put some life into it.
You can have too much of Somewhere Over the Rainbow